Did you know that on November 20, 2020, Pope Francis announced that beginning in 2021, the celebration of World Youth Day in local churches would now be moved from Palm Sunday to the Solemnity of Christ the King?
I have always appreciated the opportunity to celebrate every Diocesan World Youth Day with you. Such moments allow us to celebrate together our faith in Jesus Christ and to be witnesses in the city of our joy and our hope. In the spirit of WYD, Diocesan World Youth Day 2021 will be celebrated in four parts:
• WYD MTL Week: November 14-21, 2021
• MAIN EVENT – Christ the King Vigil: Friday, November 19, 2021, 7pm
• Teen Festival: Saturday, November 20, 2021, noon to 5pm
• Christ the King Sunday Masses: in the parishes
It is in this same spirit that I invite you to join me on the occasion of the 36th Diocesan World Youth Day. This year, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on the following theme: The theme of the day will be:
“Stand up. I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen.” (cf. Acts 26:16)
Christ is alive, He loves young people and He wants us alive! Echoing the Holy Father’s message to young people: “Today Christ speaks to you the same words that he spoke to Paul: Arise! Do not remain downcast or caught up in yourself: a mission awaits you! You too can testify to what Jesus has begun to accomplish in your lives.”
Come in great numbers to this celebration and invite your friends!
While waiting to have the joy of meeting you, I express to you my most cordial wishes. I pray for each and every one of you. May God, in His great goodness, fill you with His blessings and guide you on the path of true love.
Jesus loves you!
† Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal