Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary
(cf. Is 40, 31) 


Individual registration of confirmandees is recommended so that parents can give their consent in the form. Parishes who prefer to register a group can send an email for detailed instructions. evc@diocesemontreal.org

Required information:
– Full name of confirmandee
– Name and email of the accompanying adult (Godparent/Sponsor)
– Name and email of parents
– Nom and email of the Lay Pastoral Associate / PCL / Catechist


All communication regarding your registration will be done via the email provided at registration (information, announcements, etc.)

To ensure that you receive this information, please save evc@diocesemontreal.org & missionjeunesse@diocesemontreal.org in your contacts as a recognized email address. If you do not find an email from us. Please check your spam/junk mail/unwanted mail/advertising boxes as you may have filters in place. Feel free to send us an email if you still can’t find our emails.