Journey with the Risen Christ
The VIA LUCIS is the Way of the light, inviting us to medidate on 14 stations of the resurrection with scripture. It starts with the empty tomb, and journeys towards the Holy Spirit descending on Pentecost! “And as the Way of the Cross has been planned with the company of Mary, full of sorrow because of her Suffering Son, so along the Way of the Light it’s Mary who continues to accompany us, Mother who rejoices in the resurrection of her Son.” (vialucis.org)
Easter is not just one day in the calendar, but a season of joy and hope that lasts not 40, but 50 days! It is a time of joy and celebration of Christ who gave his life for us, and overcame death in the resurrection. While we prepared our hearts during 40 days in Lent by ways of prayer, fasting and alms giving, we are now invited to spend 50 days in joy and thanksgiving, celebrating new life in Christ!
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