The major challenges of intercultural pastoral care

Starting june 6

Course overview

Discover the challenges of human mobility and the impact on the mission with young people in terms of planning, accompaniment, animation, teamwork, training of workers, etc.

This formation, based on the various messages for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees from Pope Francis, will accompany us to examine the actions and proposals of the Church’s Magisterium on migration in the light of the Gospel, so that our Christian communities may become more welcoming and inclusive to immigrants and refugees, and be seen as active protagonists for the realization of the Kingdom of God.

Topics of interest
  • Global vision of the phenomenon of migration
  • Intercultural approach to society
  • Training of pastoral workers, youth workers, CSR, catechists, volunteers, etc.
  • Creating intercultural multipliers in our communities who are able to support immigrants and refugees in our communities in dialogue with the host community
  • Helping communities towards a practice of welcoming the other while respecting his or her culture
  • To train volunteers
  • To understand the reality of migrant people in order to recognize and value their experience
  • To build an intercultural church and society that promotes inclusion rather than assimilation.
  • To know the documents of the Church in order to form leaders committed to intercultural pastoral care
  • To create spaces for exchange and dialogue with migrants and the host community in order to achieve a wider and more inclusive WE


June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27 

Program Overview

Winter – Fall 2022


OPTION A: With UNIVERSITY accreditation

  1. Complete this registration
  2. Complete the admission form on
  3. Complete the registration form on
A course assignment is required after the end of the course. Administrative and tuition fees apply to the IFTM.


  1. Complete this registration
  2. Complete the registration form on
Participants must attend all sessions live in order to receive an attestation of participation at the end of the course. Reduced fees to IFTM apply (opening of the file, and participation without credits)

OPTION C: No accreditation, no attestation

  1. Complete this registration only
No registration fee, but freewill donations to Mission Jeunesse Montreal are welcomed.